Saturday, April 19, 2008

What can be the colors of life?

What can be the colors of life?...distinguished or blurred..
with my vision of deepest thoghts on the world of activities around
the gloomiest day can be called the brightest with my imgination unbound....
Can black symbolize endless strife...
or a subdued mystery about to reveal the spectrum..

Red shall speak of the color my heart has...
my soul and my passion ablazzed..
Where the gentle cupid strikes with his tameless dart...
The sky shows me blue or maybe gray..
The snowy clouds with mjoisture within and grayish tint that rain can bring.... Colors show how life can change day by day...
Yellow in sunlight & orange for spring flowers
I bask in warm caressing of the sunbeam... hour upon hour..
The green emerald sea or the torquoise oceans..
have jewels hidden in unlimited portions..
White brings peace of mind and tranquility.

My dream angels fly around with wings of white..
cheering me of a day...lucky and bright...
The bright colors of my wing lift me off my feet to an ageless flight...
arising a new query again..
What can be the colors of life?

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My love...........amidst the wild...