Friday, April 4, 2008


Rain hits the window
one drop, two, many more follow
each one set on a journey
which requires more understanding then I allow
I envy the short life of the raindrops
though pretty they are while falling
inspiration for many a poem and story
many a dark emotion
many many tears
Rain has to be one of the lease loved of the weather conditions
though through the dark, wet day
the kind of days where children stay inside to play
is a much greater purpose
each drop spreads water and moisture to the world
feeding plants, streams, rivers and the oceans...
watering food
for livestock to eat, for people to eat
Eroding earth
to make more room
to change things
so every time you look at something
it isnt the same as it was
all this duty placed into the significance of one little drop
of water
if water can have that much importance
just think...of all the wonderful things we can do...
with our thoughts ....our creativity....our laughter
our tears....our emotional moments
we are so much more complex then water
and look at all it does
so when you think the rain is annoying
and dark...
and wet
Think of the outcome
and remember you can change the world
with just one smile......and perhaps rain falling...rain...........

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My love...........amidst the wild...