Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kolkata Summers.......

The scorching summer has brought Kolkata into a sluggish halt, though the vehicles are running, transactions are on the way and life is on its usual roll; the city is seething. The natives away from Kolkata may be relieved to know that they are away from 40 degree C on an average. No sign of rain or storm is getting our expectations into a dipping down curve with every passing day. Heat strokes, dehydration, low pressure and nausea have become the basic and expected news of the season. Although doctors are prescribing all the necessary do’s and dont’s , nothing can redeem the irritating summers of Kolkata into anything that can be called pleasant. But, truly sunlight and sun is an integral part of our lives, nevertheless we cannot disagree with the beauty of light and shadow play forms around us…amidst the strong summers –both scorching and balming..

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