Friday, April 4, 2008

I'll paint you a rainbow

I'll paint you a rainbow and you hang it on the wall,
it shall brighten your heart when the grey shadows fall.
On the canvas of joy everlasting the years,

with a soft touch of the brush full of sweetness to dry all your tears.

I'll paint you a rainbow reflecting the colors of smiles
That shall glow with sincerity over all the miles.

On a palette of affectionate words
I will tenderly blend
subtle hues and dark tones into treasures of sunlight and wind.

I'll paint you a rainbow that will reach acres wide,
Your sights and your sorrows will vanish inside,

And deep with each different hue,

A memory will be embedded especially for you.

So lift up your eyes and dont suspended them ever,
A rainbow designed by the fingers of love...
comes for you from high above..........


memoirs of an unquiet mind said...

let us paint this world with true colors of life...lovely poetry...keep writing ...

Ratan said...

I like your blog,it's simply superb.........

My love...........amidst the wild...