Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kolkata comes alive

Warmer days & longer nights

Make me nostalgic of my favorite sounds.

The buzzing of a lawn machine,

The kettle whistling for the morning tea and beverages

The sound of children's laughter from the neighborhood…

Filling the air as they played at the outdoors

Cricket, skipping and funny rounders ….just to name a few

The clip clopping of horses tongas….

Kolkata comes alive…………………………………………………………..

The milk man’s cycle calling to deliver his packets…

The bells ring at the temple with hurried worshippers from corners of the city…

Ganges flow by at its own pace…tired and resolved

Corporates hurrying down the steps, planning management chores..

While business fellows dot down their pens for new schemes….

The sound of the automobile’s horn to herald

Kolkata comes alive…………………………………………………………..

Women gossiping as they clean the doorstep

Sometimes a recipe sometimes a joke,

Men whistling as they hurry for buses and trams…..

Sad enough to agree that sounds have changed what we heard before……..

Because of progress… time have changed

But memories stay back…memories of Kolkata coming alive

1 comment:

Ratan said...

It's very nice and I'm agree with your view about Kolkata.

My love...........amidst the wild...