Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Stoned Wings

The pain returns every night, I sleep with a quest to forget the killing sparks.. shooting the strength, making me weaker with every tear drop...Yes I want to depart from the moving world...where every motion is to hurt and destroy...the sharp, cutting pain comes with memories that cannot be cut away from the trail.....starts from my inception till my desertion...they stay like my stoned wings.....yess....i could not separate them from my being, they keep reminding me of the days that has the picture of a burning fire, no fluid to stop the blaze.....Today I long to live with the static...the unframed eternity.....endless.....untouched and unnerved...


Shaheen Sultan Dhanji said...

Piercingly beautiful - reflective post ! And, I also love your Aparna Sen blog - what a brilliant tribute to this prodigious woman!
Cheers, Shaheen



My love...........amidst the wild...